Today, on one of the last days of Pride Month, the eye-scratchingly awful hashtag #HeterosexualPrideDay has been trending top worldwide. The hashtag was born from the misplaced idea that cisgender, straight (cishet) people are oppressed by other people slowly climbing towards equality. So naturally, LGBT people can’t even have one month of celebration before the whining starts from privileged cishets who are scared of losing their monopoly on…well, everything. Here's some of them I am proud! I am a father! I have a "real" family! My son loves females! We are important to! We are Heteros! #HeterosexualPrideDay — Mike Sullivan (@StlAlmanac) June 29, 2017 Happy #HeteroSexualPrideDay to all my cis-het brothers & sisters & western prescribed nuclear families of...