Hey dudes and dolls, welcome back to a very trending news today, our very Own Harry Potter has completed its 20 years in this world and we who have been watching him have grown older with Him. UNBELIEVABLY INCREDIBLE!!
A very unusual piece of children's fiction was published 20 years ago, on 26 June 1997. The editor of the book, unsure of its success, also told the author it was best she got a second job and not be solely dependent on writing, because he was unsure how a story about a skinny boy who discovers magical powers would be received by the world.
Fast-forward to 2017 and the writer's first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, has become one of the most popular pieces of children's fiction of the decade (and years to come); the series itself is considered a modern classic
After Rowling's first Harry Potter book was well received by the audience, she followed it up with six more books. Each book was published with a gap of 1-2 years, with the last book being released in July 2007, which recorded the highest number of sales any book has ever seen in the first week.
Twitter celebrated their favourite character's 20 Years

HARRY POTTER added to your illusions and THIS will add to your REALITY, Feel his life, feel the aura and feel the anxious minds only in THE WORLD OF ILLUSIONS
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